Occupational Health Risk Assessments (HRA)

Occupational Health Risk Assessments (HRA) is the most effective approach to managing health risks

We can provide a suitably skilled and qualified Hygiene Consultant to undertake a Occupational Health Risk Assessment (HRA) of your workplace, project or section of operation.

Download your free HHMP checklist

We typically undertake a Health Risk Assessment in accordance with the requirements of Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) – Simplified Occupational Hygiene Risk Management Strategies; however, GCG will work with you to understand the needs of the business and to subsequently determine whether an alternate approved methodology need be applied – i.e. one or a variety of methods such as:

  • American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
  • International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP)
  • Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (WA DMIRS)

We aim to use a methodology that allows the information to be effectively captured within the existing business risk management process where possible (i.e. project risk register).

This HRA process will involve a review of the key activities undertaken by each of the identified occupations with the aim of identifying the key health exposure risks.

GCG may request the following items prior to the site visit to ensure an effective and timely HRA:

  • Copy of the HAZID to reference health outcomes
  • A list of occupations employed on site including key departments
  • A list of all hazardous substances used including access to Safety Data Sheets
  • Maps outlining the facility or operational layout
  • Copies of key health & hygiene management system documents
  • Details of any health surveillance monitoring programs in place (I.e. Audiometry, Biological monitoring)

It is anticipated that a half day review of the above information is required followed by a site visit to complete the HRA walk-through inspection. During this time, GCG would appreciate the opportunity to discuss hazards and the potential risk rankings with key stakeholders to ensure accurate information is captured relating to tasks, activities, and timing.

As always we would like to hang out with someone from your company to ensure safe escort around the operations and facilities and we get the most out of the visit.

Our Health Risk Assessment report typically includes the following along with any company requirements you may have:

  • Documentation of identified health hazards
  • Risk ranking of identified occupational health hazards by qualitative means
  • Establishment of Similar Exposure Groups (SEG’s)
  • Development of a risk-based exposure monitoring plan and occupational surveys
  • As necessary, recommendations will be given for further characterisation of significant hazards. This will enable an accurate assessment of the level of risk. (I.e. exposure monitoring, noise survey, health surveillance, etc.)
Download your free HHMP checklist

Why choose GCG?

GCG’s hygiene consultants are professionals in the industry who are certified with the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH).

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