GRS Systems

GRS is an online portal which has been built from the ground up to support our clients and our people. GRS has been developed not as a product for purchase, but as a way we help our clients keep their people safe.

GRS supports our client’s exposure monitoring programs through a modular framework which is tailored to the lifecycle of their project, scaled to suit the scope.

Project Management

Exposure Monitoring

Fit Testing

Laboratory Management

Equipment Maintenance



Clients currently using GRS


Samples taken each year

Minutes of sampling each month


Minutes of sampling each month

Insights into Your Exposure Monitoring Program

GCG believes that being informed is crucial to making accurate and timely risk management decisions. When your data is extensive and technical, being able to understand and use that data becomes even more critical. Our team has experience this first hand, and have worked with industry to develop GRS into the tool you need to understand and use exposure monitoring data.

A Birds eye view of your program

View your entire program and use the data to prioritise your actions – from the ability GRS gives you to accurately pinpointing exceedances and areas of significant risk.


GRS has all the functions you have come to expect with recent technological advances:

  • Quick
  • Browser based
  • Phone and Tablet enabled
  • Ease of exporting to excel for deeper data

Analyse Specific Sites and other aspects of your program

GRS was originally developed for multi- site projects and has a proven success record with our client’s that operate in-between 10 – 20 geographically distant sites.

GRS allows you to dive down into the data for specific sites. You can even dive further into a range of technical aspects, such as:

  • An expansive results information suite Similar Exposure Group (SEG)
  • Sample type and contaminants View and Manage Exposure Standard Exceedances
  • Specific sampling campaigns that have been carried out
  • Create charts and graphs online outlining results vs. relevant exposure standards

View individual sample records including:

  • Sampling details (e.g. start, stop and run times, flow rates, exposure standards, equipment etc.)
  • Employee task and activity details (i.e. transcribed employee field notes and GCG task observations).

Want to give it a go?

All GCG clients receive access to GRS as part of our exposure monitoring service. If you would like to understand more feel free to Contact Us