Building and Property Management

Building a Strong WHS Culture. We Help You Build Safe Workplaces

Managing buildings and property within Australia brings with it a host of obligations as dictated by the Work Health and Safety Act. From dealing with the health, safety, and hygiene requirements of building repair work to identifying and controlling the risks associated with asbestos materials, a large burden can be placed on clients operating in this space.

We assist our building and property managers meet their WHS obligations through a synergetic policy discourse between themselves, their contractors, and their staff.

Our services can be applied individually to a singular, problematic asset, or can be carried out as part of a comprehensive project covering all assets under the control of the client.

Services we regularly offer building and property managers are:

  • Building/Site Inspections
  • Tailored Induction Development
  • Assistance with ongoing maintenance and repair works projects with complex scopes
  • Development of Asbestos Registers