Hazardous Chemicals and Dangerous Goods – Simplifying the situation

The Challenge

One of Australia’s largest Rail Operator needed assistance in understanding the cause of recurring unsatisfactory results ensuing from their hazardous chemical and dangerous goods assurance activities.

The Solution

GCG developed a tailored project method and set to work to understand the situation.

Phase one of the project involved reviewing all relevant legislation, codes, and standards to determine what legitimately applied to their operation. It was found that over a period of years, additional requirements had been added to the management system which potentially did not apply to the operation.

Once we found what legitimately applied to the organisation, phase two kicked off, commencing a gap analysis of the requirements against the work as it truly occurs on site. We conducted this work through applying a consultative process around the nature and scope of work performed by the business. This was done using a mixture of methods; the most successful being facilitated workshops with workers. Learning about the work as it was truly done and the interface with hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods allowed us to take stock of the situation.

With this knowledge, we assisted the Rail Operator to streamline their workplace health and safety management system, and reduce the assurance burden that had been detrimental to their WHS statistical accuracy, as well as their time as safety professionals.