GCG launches Leadership Development Program

The GCG Leadership Development Foundational Program was launched in June 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis. We recognised that our team would likely be experiencing a range of challenges and emotions as a result of the pandemic, and wanted to support them in navigating these uncertain times. Our focus was on empowering our team leaders with the skills to successfully lead their teams through difficult circumstances and beyond. The Program is aligned to a broader GCG Leadership Development Framework which outlines key competencies for leaders across GCG related to Personal, Interpersonal, Technical, Business and Leadership areas of application. The Program focuses on six crucial leadership areas namely:
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication
  • Resilience
  • Building Teamwork & Collaboration
  • Driving Accountability, and
  • Coaching.
Each session required participants to engage in some pre-learning and self-reflection, which was followed by a workshop where everyone had the opportunity to discuss the topic with their colleagues, with the aim of building leadership capabilities in each of the key areas. All GCG Leaders from Occupational Hygiene, WHS and Support Services participated in and successfully completed the program. In the final session, participants provided a powerful presentation to the Senior Management Team about their learnings from the course and their individual leadership journeys thus far. The Program has set the foundation for future ongoing leadership training at GCG. Pictured above (left to right): Graduates  Rob Alcock, Paul Richardson and Tendai Mapondera. Pictured above: East Coast Operations Manager, Brett Jones with graduate Greg Beavis.
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News & Media

Substitution gone wrong – a case study of hexavalent chromium occurrence in exhaust systems

Calcium chromate is a toxic, yellow coloured powdery compound. It is a strong oxidising agent and can be used as a corrosion inhibitor and to depolarise batteries. It is also produced when chromium is present with an oxidant, such as… Read More ˃

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The real-time dust monitoring driving change

Real-time dust monitoring has really come into its own in the last few years. The ubiquity of real-time monitoring devices and the recent emergence of intelligent dust exposure control applications and platforms like GCG’s ‘Exposi’ system have taken monitoring and… Read More ˃

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News & Media

The rise of fixed point real-time dust monitoring 

Increased awareness of silicosis and other occupational lung diseases caused by exposure to hazardous levels of respirable crystalline silica has prompted employers and workers to seek ways to reduce the potential for worker exposure to hazardous dust. This has driven… Read More ˃

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How can a work health and safety management system help my business?

A work health safety management system (WHSMS) A WHSMS is a systems-based approach to help companies manage their work health and safety risks and maintain compliance with current legislative requirements. What is a work health and safety management… Read More ˃

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News & Media

Is your WA principal mining hazard management plan up to date?

The terms and definitions used in reference to ‘principal mining hazards’ vary across Australia. In Western Australia new Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws and accompanying regulations came into effect on 31 March 2022, introducing a meaning for,… Read More ˃