Evaluating the Storage of Hazardous Chemicals in Australia

The Challenge

One of Australia’s primary health and safety Regulators were required to conduct a detailed review of the current guidance material available relating to the storage of hazardous chemicals. The goal was to determine if the current guidelines were adequate and practical to support the Australian Industry.

The Solution

GCG built a robust method and set out to conduct research in order to formalise the available body of knowledge that exists in Australia and internationally. Commencing with an international literature review identification process, GCG collated and systematically reviewed 79 items of guidance material using a custom built evaluation tool.

Following this, we engaged our network and other key industry leaders to conduct research interviews to understand the state of hazardous chemical storage and the current challenges that exist in practice.

GCG’s review has assisted one of Australia’s primary health and safety Regulators to understand the challenges and path forward for hazardous chemical storage in the Australian Industry.